The analysis of texts with Anteater is a two step process. First, you need to upload a text corpus and then you chose an analysis module to analyse the corpus with.
Once, you logged in to Anteater, you will find four links on the top of the webpage:
The start page of Anteater. So far, nothing special happens here.
- Add Text Corpus
You can upload a text corpus here to analyze it.
- Uploaded Text Corpora
Here you can find a list of all your uploaded text corpora and their analyses.
- Logout
Logout of Anteater
Add Text Corpus
- Specify file type
If you click on "Add Text Corpus" you will first specify what kind of text you want to upload. So far Anteater knows two kinds of texts: plain text files and Federal Regiester XML files. Choose the kind of file you plan to upload and click "Next."
Choose files
Next you will find an upload form. Specify a title for you text corpus and choose the files you would like to upload. You can either upload texts bundled in a zip file or upload each file separately. Click "Add file" to add another "Choose file" button to choose an additional file. Once you've chosen all files click "Upload."
Wait for files being uploaded
Your files will now be uploaded. The next page you see will show you the status of the files you're uploading. If upload a large number of files the upload and parsing of the files can take a while. The webpage you're seeing during the upload will refresh every few seconds. When the upload is done a button "Continue with choosing modules" will appear.
Choose analysis module
In this step, you need to specify a title for your analysis and choose an analysis module. So far, the only analysis module is the module to analyse Federal Register documents and to extract who applied for a permit to study what species where. If you want to get notified by email when your analysis is done, you can enter an email address. Click "Analyze" to start the analysis.
- Analysis is running
If the start of the analysis was successful you will see a new page telling you that the analysis is running.
Uploaded Text Corpora
- List of analyses
If you click on "Uploaded Text Corpora" you will find a list of all the text corpora that you've uploaded and the analysis that were run on the corpora. An icon will inform you about the status of an analysis. You can click on an analysis title to see detailed information about that analysis.
Analysis details
The "Analysis Details" page shows you the title of the text corpus the analysis was run on, the title of the analysis, and the chosen analysis module.
Running analyses
If an analysis is currently running you can click "Stop analysis" to stop the analysis. This might take some time because Anteater will stop at the next convenient point, which might mean it will finish a long running process before stopping. If you provided an email address for notifications, an email will be send to you when the analysis was stopped.
Stopped analyses
A stopped analysis can be restarted by clicking "restart the analysis."
Unfinished analyses due to shutdown
In cases where an analysis was stopped because the server was shutdown, the analysis will be resumed at the next server startup unless it is configured otherwise. If automatic restarting of unfinished analysis is disabled, you can restart an analysis by hand.
Finished analyses
An analysis that has finished can be reanalyzed by clicking "Analyse again." Below the details of a finished analysis you can download the created event files, result files, and you can click "Show results" to see the created events in a searchable table.
Anteaters are edentate animals—they have no teeth. But their long tongues are more than sufficient to lap up the 35,000 ants and termites they swallow whole each day. (